

Seekers Club – Every Monday - 7 pm - 9pm 


Seekers Monday evenings is a mix of fun activities, sport and games with a tea break in the middle.


Cost £5 


Art with Janie – Every Thursday - 10.30 am - 12pm


Janie is a qualified Art teacher and each week she will teach you how to create beautiful works of art whatever level you might be.

Cost £5 (bring a packed lunch if you want to stay for Fun club and eat lunch between)

Thursday Fun Club – Every  Thursday - 1-3pm


Fulham Foundation deliver a Multi Sports Session as part of this session and we have a tea break and a music session either side of this activity so plenty of time to catch up with other members.


Cost £5

Saturday Drop In - 12-2.30pm

Our club leaders will be leading different activities every week but there will still be the chance to come along, chat to friends and relax.


Cost £5


Future Friends 7.30-9.30pm


Club leaders will deliver lots of fun activities on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. The Summer Timetable is on the website


Cost £5


Zoom Timetable


contact to be added to invite


Wednesday – Karaoke Choir – 3pm until 4pm


Thursday – Quiz (every other week Bingo) 4pm until 5pm